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指出了木荷是云南的珍贵树种,种源稀少,通过森林资源调查,发现了南华县雨露乡铅厂村委会有部分零星资源分布,保护种质资源,意义重大。通过梳理,阐述了木荷资源在南华县的分布特征、经济价值和园林应用,提出了充分利用木荷资源的具体措施,制定了种苗培育的实施方案,以有利于城市绿化建设,创建秀美河山。  相似文献   
配电网起着输送和分配电能的作用,线路损耗给供电企业造成很大的成本投入,降低能源的利用率。分析配电网线路损耗的原因,提出降低线路损耗的具体措施,以期为配电网节能降耗、安全运行提供参考。  相似文献   
为促进通过提高油菜种子亚麻酸含量途径增加中国人群亚麻酸的摄入量,提高健康水平的工作进程。结合文献资料,在剖析开展油菜高亚麻酸育种的意义、可行性、难点及可利用的有利条件的基础上,提出油菜高亚麻酸育种策略与技术途径。在工作实践中,陕西省杂交油菜研究中心研究团队创建并完善"油菜高亚麻酸种质的筛选方法",利用该方法开展油菜高亚麻酸种质资源筛选和高亚麻酸育种取得良好成效:油菜种质资源的整体亚麻酸含量、具有较高亚麻酸含量种质的百分比率、亚麻酸含量最高值、亚麻酸含量15%的种质数量均明显增加;获得一批亚麻酸含量大于15%(最高含量达21%)的甘蓝型油菜非转基因种质,育成高亚麻酸的不育系和恢复系;甘蓝型油菜高亚麻酸杂交种‘秦杂油7号’通过国家品种登记;2个亚麻酸含量15%左右的杂交种正在申请品种登记。发现在A02、C02及A06染色体上存在多个与亚麻酸显著关联SNP位点。提出开展基础机理研究和分子设计育种创新体系建设,开展高亚麻酸种质资源创新、综合评价和利用研究,构建高亚麻酸育种体系,规化高效保优栽培技术路线,开展油菜籽加工技术、抗氧化研究,构建标准体系等6方面建议。  相似文献   
【目的】紫色土坡耕地土壤侵蚀严重,研究土壤管理措施对不同侵蚀程度坡耕地耕层侵蚀恢复作用,为紫色土坡耕地耕层质量调控和坡耕地持续利用提供理论及实践依据。【方法】采用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)检验各指标的差异显著性,研究不施肥(CK)、施化肥(F)、施生物炭+化肥(BF)3种土壤管理措施对侵蚀0 cm(S-0)、侵蚀5 cm(S-5)、侵蚀10 cm(S-10)、侵蚀15 cm(S-15)、侵蚀20 cm(S-20) 5个不同侵蚀程度坡耕地耕层土壤属性的恢复作用。【结果】(1)随侵蚀程度增加,土壤砂粒含量由38.1%—42.4%逐渐增至44.2%—46.4%,土壤黏粒含量由12.6%—14.8%逐渐减少至9.6%—11.0%;与S-0、S-5、S-10相比,S-15、S-20土壤容重显著增大;S-10侵蚀程度下,土壤抗剪强度最大,在8.71—9.56 kg·cm-2之间;F、BF处理下S-15侵蚀程度的土壤稳定入渗率、平均入渗率降幅均最大。(2)不同管理措施下坡耕地耕层土壤属性差异显著,BF处理下土壤砂粒含量小、黏粒含量最大,0—10 cm、10—20 cm土层土壤容重显著低于CK(P<0.05),土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度均显著高于CK、F处理;BF处理下土壤初始入渗率、稳定入渗率、平均入渗率均最大,CK处理最小;与CK处理相比,BF处理土壤抗剪强度显著增大。(3)随侵蚀程度增加,土壤可蚀性K值显著下降,与S-0相比,S-20侵蚀程度下土壤可蚀性K值下降0.1960%—0.2192%;BF处理下土壤可蚀性K值最大,F处理次之,CK最小;S-10侵蚀程度下F、BF处理的K值均较CK增加幅度最大,分别增加0.0684%、0.1404%。【结论】施加生物炭+化肥在改善土壤物质组成、结构特征、提高土壤蓄渗性能等方面较单施化肥效果更为显著,可有效减轻紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤侵蚀,对侵蚀10 cm条件下的坡耕地耕作层(0—20 cm)土壤的改良效果最佳。  相似文献   
Headwater streams play a major role for provision of ecosystem services, e.g. drinking water. We investigated a high-altitude headwater catchment of the Kharaa River (including 41 1st-order rivers) to understand the impact of land cover (especially forest cover), environment and human usage on runoff, chemical water quality and macroinvertebrate fauna in a river basin under discontinuous permafrost conditions in an arid, sparsely populated region of Mongolia. To verify our hypotheses that different landuses and environmental impacts in permafrost headwaters influence water quality, we investigated 105 sampling sites, 37 of them at intermittent stream sections without water flow. Discharge was positively impacted by land cover types steppe, grassland and forest and negatively by shrubland, forest burnt by wild fires (indicating a reduction of permafrost) and slope. Water quality was affected by altitude, longitude and latitude, shrub growth and water temperature. Shannon diversity of macroinvertebrates was driven by water temperature, iron content of the water, flow velocity, and subbasin size (adjusted R2 = 0.54). Sample plots clustered in three groups that differed in water chemistry, macroinvertebrate diversity, species composition and bio-indicators. Our study confirms that steppes and grasslands have a higher contribution to runoff than forests, forest cover has a positive impact on water quality, and diversity of macroinvertebrates is higher in sites with less nutrients and pollutants. The excellent ecological status of the upper reaches of the Kharaa is severely threatened by forest fires and human-induced climate change and urgently needs to be conserved.  相似文献   
我国不仅是畜牧业生产和消费大国,同时饲料产量也居世界首位,作为饲料中最常添加的谷物原料,其质量安全对饲料生产和养殖业有着重要影响。小麦、玉米等谷物在其生长、收获及加工等阶段未及时按规定处理会产生大量的霉菌毒素,其中呕吐毒素最为常见。呕吐毒素(DON)主要由镰刀菌属(如禾谷镰刀菌、尖孢镰刀菌等)产生,会造成不同阶段商品猪及种猪呕吐、肌肉出血、生长性能和繁殖力的下降等。本文综述了饲料中DON的污染现状及其对养猪生产的危害,进而提出了综合防治措施,为畜牧业生产者更好地防治DON污染、提高养殖收益提供系统科学参考。  相似文献   
结合鄂尔多斯市农业生产实际,重点分析了主要气象灾害及其对农业生产的影响,并提出了气象服务措施,以增强农作物产量和品质,提升农民收入水平。  相似文献   
现阶段,贫困地区的脱贫攻坚工作已经到了决战阶段,为了更好的实现深度贫困地区的脱贫 工作,该文针对义县实际,从生态扶贫的内涵、义县实施林业生态扶贫的必要性、林业生态扶贫的措施 及成效进行了阐述和分析,为今后的深度贫困地区进行林业生态扶贫提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
近些年来宁化县非常注重高质量、高品位绿色发展要求,保护好绿水青山才能成就金山银山的经营理念不断向纵深推进,人们对乡土树种越来越倍加珍惜,因此急需加快乡土树种栽培与保护。本文从乡土树种林业内涵展开分析,阐述了乡土树种在宁化县生态恢复过程中的作用,主要从乡土树种具有生长快[1]、适应性强、病虫害少、用途多、改良土壤性强、森林植物群落多样性丰富、林分生产力强、再生繁衍能力强等方面深入探索,从而证明了乡土树种在树种优选方面的重要作用。  相似文献   
Energetic status and body size are inconstant bodily states often considered to have feedback effects on behaviour. Feedbacks can be negative, like starvation‐threshold feedbacks (lower state values = increased risk taking due to higher energy need, and vice versa), or positive, like state‐dependent safety feedbacks (higher state values = lower vulnerability when expressing risky behaviours, and vice versa). Few studies have investigated feedback effects during the early‐life survival bottleneck of territorial species, when rapid growth is particularly important to maintain competitive ability. We investigated effects of body size and energetic status on the emergence latency into an unknown environment in highly territorial brown trout fry. We manipulated energetic status using high and low food rations in different combinations over two consecutive periods. In contrast to results from other small‐sized fishes, no general behavioural effects of energetic state were detected, but larger fish had on average shorter emergence latency. Starvation‐threshold feedbacks were not supported, but the size effect favours the presence of a state‐dependent safety feedback. When individuals were split into clusters characterised by long (>34 s) and short (<34 s) emergence latency, a state‐dependent safety feedback, based on energetic status, was found in the short‐latency cluster. Positive state‐dependent feedbacks may reflect the high level of competition among wild trout fry during the first summer, particularly among the more active individuals (i.e., from the short latency cluster). High state levels could be utilised to gain advantages over lesser competitors (e.g., to establish territories), particularly if the overall risk of starvation is higher than the risk of predation.  相似文献   
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